
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
HEARER study- HomE-testing in Asthma foR hEalthcare pRofessionals University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester katie lawton (new window) Opens in new window
Decontamination of Mercury Polluted- Water and Agricultural Soils in Ghana using Nanotechnology University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester David Lewis (new window) Opens in new window
The acceptability and feasibility of compassion-focused therapy groups for women with perinatal mental health difficulties University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester Charlotte Garrett (new window) Opens in new window
Focus Group for NIHR Grant Application University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester Gwenllian Tawy (new window) Opens in new window
Psychopathy and the Law: Conceptualising a New Approach for the Continuum of Mental Health University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester abbi harris (new window) Opens in new window
Delineating a full phenotype of health, neurodevelopment and adaptive functioning in children and young adults with Fetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder. University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester Matthew Bluett-Duncan (new window) Opens in new window
Identifying Barriers to Learning in the Presentation of Difficult History University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester Althea Cupo (new window) Opens in new window
The Troponin-only Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (T-MACS) Choice Feasibility Study University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester Patricia van den Berg (new window) Opens in new window
Utilising Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling and Simulation for Precision Dosing in Cirrhotic Patients University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester Eman Elkhateeb (new window) Opens in new window
Exploring Sensory Experiences of Public Transport from the Perspectives of People Living with Dementia University of Manchester Generic Template King's College London James Fletcher (new window) Opens in new window